Activity | Account: 5ef65e

Item # Rarity Set From To
5mos Hughes Luke 50 Core Base 2023-24 sale
6mos Gaudreau Johnny 1399 Core Base buy
6mos Dobson Noah 927 Fandom Ice Nation 5ef65e
6mos Dobson Noah 4254 Fandom Ice Nation 5ef65e
6mos Hughes Luke 50 Core Base 2023-24 5ef65e
6mos Walker Sean 1254 Core Playoff Bound 5ef65e
6mos Hellebuyck Connor 21 Limited Guardians of the Net 5ef65e
6mos package 3882 Core Breakaway Starter Promo Pack 5ef65e
6mos package 3882 Core Breakaway Starter Promo Pack 5ef65e