Activity | Account: 58e1d9

Item # Rarity Set From To
4w Ingram Connor 123 Limited Guardians of the Net buy
7mos Woll Joseph 386 Limited Guardians of the Net sale
7mos Woll Joseph 386 Limited Guardians of the Net buy
11mos package 1476 Core Base 2023-24 February Expansion Pack sale
11mos package 1476 Core Base 2023-24 February Expansion Pack buy
11mos Dobson Noah 7417 Fandom Ice Nation sale
1yr Tkachuk Brady 3072 Fandom Ice Nation sale
1yr Dobson Noah 7417 Fandom Ice Nation 58e1d9
1yr Tkachuk Brady 3072 Fandom Ice Nation 58e1d9
1yr package 6427 Fandom Ice Nation Pack 58e1d9
1yr package 6427 Fandom Ice Nation Pack 58e1d9