Activity | Account: 4ccf45

Item # Rarity Set From To
10mos Crosby Sidney 246 Rare Opening Ice: Elites 4ccf45
10mos Stützle Tim 423 Limited Next-Gen Class 4ccf45
10mos Couture Logan 2527 Fandom Ice Nation 4ccf45
10mos Fox Adam 1066 Fandom Ice Nation 4ccf45
10mos Cirelli Anthony 1410 Core Playoff Bound 4ccf45
10mos Bozak Tyler 444 Core Stadiums & Skylines 4ccf45
10mos Theodore Shea 741 Core Base 2023-24 4ccf45
10mos Makar Cale 1411 Core Base 4ccf45
10mos package 253 Limited TNT Limited Edition Pack 4ccf45
10mos package 253 Limited TNT Limited Edition Pack 4ccf45
10mos Connor Kyle 87 Limited Light the Lamp 4ccf45
10mos Fiala Kevin 8110 Fandom Ice Nation 4ccf45
10mos Andersson Rasmus 5524 Fandom Ice Nation 4ccf45
10mos Walker Sean 221 Core Playoff Bound 4ccf45
10mos Giroux Claude 1078 Core Stadiums & Skylines 4ccf45
10mos Xhekaj Arber 1203 Core Base 2023-24 4ccf45
10mos package 405 Core TNT Welcome Pack 4ccf45
10mos package 405 Core TNT Welcome Pack 4ccf45