Activity | Account: 79101f

Item # Rarity Set From To
8mos Sakic Joe 58 Limited Hanging from the Rafters 79101f
8mos Keller Clayton 660 Core Base 2023-24 79101f
8mos Kuzmenko Andrei 216 Fandom Ice Nation 79101f
8mos Lundkvist Nils 734 Fandom Ice Nation 79101f
8mos McDavid Connor 587 Core Base 79101f
8mos Sakic Joe 164 Rare Hanging from the Rafters 79101f
8mos Raymond Lucas 216 Limited Next-Gen Class 79101f
8mos package 272 Rare Hanging from the Rafters Debut LE Pack 79101f
8mos package 272 Rare Hanging from the Rafters Debut LE Pack buy
10mos Johnson Kent 5332 Fandom Ice Nation 79101f
10mos Frost Morgan 2254 Fandom Ice Nation 79101f
10mos package 11520 Fandom Ice Nation Pack 79101f
10mos package 11520 Fandom Ice Nation Pack 79101f
10mos package 4 Limited TNT Limited Edition Pack buy
10mos Cirelli Anthony 807 Core Playoff Bound 79101f
10mos Saros Juuse 267 Limited Guardians of the Net 79101f
10mos Matthews Auston 472 Core Stadiums & Skylines 79101f
10mos Duchene Matt 1460 Core Playoff Bound 79101f
10mos package 3543 Core Playoff Bound Debut LE Pack 79101f
10mos package 3543 Core Playoff Bound Debut LE Pack buy
10mos package 3170 Core Playoff Bound Debut LE Pack buy
11mos Modano Mike 921 Core Hometown History: Dallas Stars 79101f
11mos package 67 Core Modano’s Seminal Moments Pack 79101f
11mos package 67 Core Modano’s Seminal Moments Pack buy
1yr package 7165 Fandom Ice Nation Pack 79101f
1yr Panarin Artemi 696 Core Base 79101f
1yr Connor Kyle 834 Core Base 79101f
1yr Oettinger Jake 492 Core Base 79101f
1yr Ullmark Linus 803 Core Base 79101f
1yr Sorokin Ilya 705 Core Base 79101f
1yr Keller Clayton 486 Core Base 79101f
1yr package 1962 Core Breakaway Starter Pack 79101f
1yr package 1962 Core Breakaway Starter Pack buy