Activity | Account: 2c9768

Item # Rarity Set From To
6mos MacKinnon Nathan 974 Core Base buy
6mos Toews Devon 64 Core Base 2023-24 buy
6mos Manson Josh 152 Limited The Hunt for Stanley 2024 buy
6mos Fox Adam 1396 Fandom Ice Nation 2c9768
6mos Zuccarello Mats 1273 Fandom Ice Nation 2c9768
6mos Coleman Blake 849 Core Base 2023-24 2c9768
6mos Ehlers Nikolaj 1429 Core Base 2023-24 2c9768
6mos Cirelli Anthony 1392 Core Playoff Bound 2c9768
6mos package 3653 Core Breakaway Starter Promo Pack 2c9768
6mos package 3653 Core Breakaway Starter Promo Pack 2c9768