Activity | Account: dd2a36

Item # Rarity Set From To
8mos Knies Matthew 197 Rare Opening Ice sale
9mos Marchessault Jonathan 212 Limited Light the Lamp dd2a36 823628
9mos Panarin Artemi 125 Limited Light the Lamp dd2a36 823628
9mos Knies Matthew 197 Rare Opening Ice 823628 dd2a36
10mos Skinner Stuart 1217 Core Base dd2a36
10mos Forsling Gustav 682 Core Base 2023-24 dd2a36
10mos Toffoli Tyler 130 Core Stadiums & Skylines dd2a36
10mos Nugent-Hopkins Ryan 427 Core Playoff Bound dd2a36
10mos Nylander William 8809 Fandom Ice Nation dd2a36
10mos Johnson Kent 9655 Fandom Ice Nation dd2a36
10mos Marchessault Jonathan 212 Limited Light the Lamp dd2a36
10mos Panarin Artemi 125 Limited Light the Lamp dd2a36
10mos package 267 Limited TNT Limited Edition Pack dd2a36
10mos package 267 Limited TNT Limited Edition Pack dd2a36
10mos package 386 Core TNT Welcome Pack sale
10mos package 386 Core TNT Welcome Pack dd2a36