Activity | Account: 05e870

Item # Rarity Set From To
5mos Kreider Chris 88 Limited The Hunt for Stanley 2024 buy
5mos Panarin Artemi 774 Core Base buy
6mos Svechnikov Andrei 6196 Fandom Ice Nation 05e870
6mos Kuzmenko Andrei 6724 Fandom Ice Nation 05e870
6mos Wahlstrom Oliver 554 Core Base 2023-24 05e870
6mos Theodore Shea 1402 Core Base 2023-24 05e870
6mos McMann Bobby 1131 Core Playoff Bound 05e870
6mos package 4824 Core Breakaway Starter Promo Pack 05e870
6mos package 4824 Core Breakaway Starter Promo Pack 05e870