Activity | Account: 5cca2b

Item # Rarity Set From To
8mos Coffey Paul 251 Limited Hanging from the Rafters 5cca2b
8mos Nugent-Hopkins Ryan 1430 Core Base 2023-24 5cca2b
8mos Evangelista Luke 1352 Core Base 2023-24 5cca2b
8mos Kane Evander 1697 Fandom Ice Nation 5cca2b
8mos Nylander William 7532 Fandom Ice Nation 5cca2b
8mos Nemec Simon 162 Rare Opening Ice 2023-24 5cca2b
8mos Chelios Chris 182 Rare Hanging from the Rafters 5cca2b
8mos package 293 Rare Hanging from the Rafters Debut LE Pack 5cca2b
8mos package 293 Rare Hanging from the Rafters Debut LE Pack buy
9mos Sturm Marco 657 Core Stadiums & Skylines 5cca2b
9mos Cirelli Anthony 128 Core Playoff Bound 5cca2b
9mos Novak Tommy 920 Core Playoff Bound 5cca2b
9mos Tippett Owen 462 Limited Light the Lamp 5cca2b
9mos package 301 Core Playoff Bound Encore Pack 5cca2b
9mos package 301 Core Playoff Bound Encore Pack buy
9mos package 94 Core Playoff Bound Encore Pack buy
9mos package 545 Core Playoff Bound Encore Pack buy
9mos package 26 Core Inaugural Founding Fan Base Pack buy
9mos Bedard Connor 8 Core Base 2023-24 buy
9mos Daccord Joey 813 Core Stadiums & Skylines 5cca2b
9mos Larkin Dylan 202 Limited Light the Lamp 5cca2b
9mos O'Connor Logan 282 Core Base 2023-24 5cca2b
9mos Gallagher Brendan 562 Core Stadiums & Skylines 5cca2b
9mos Panarin Artemi 221 Limited Light the Lamp 5cca2b
9mos package 227 Limited Light the Lamp Debut LE Pack 5cca2b
9mos package 1717 Limited Light the Lamp Debut LE Pack buy
9mos package 227 Limited Light the Lamp Debut LE Pack buy
9mos Slafkovský Juraj 127 Rare Opening Ice buy
9mos Toews Jonathan 13 Core Base 5cca2b
9mos Hischier Nico 826 Core Base 2023-24 5cca2b
9mos Daccord Joey 645 Core Stadiums & Skylines 5cca2b
9mos Barkov Aleksander 248 Core Playoff Bound 5cca2b
9mos Fiala Kevin 449 Fandom Ice Nation 5cca2b
9mos Lundkvist Nils 2762 Fandom Ice Nation 5cca2b
9mos package 2640 Core NHL® Breakaway XL Starter Pack 5cca2b
9mos package 2979 Core NHL® Breakaway XL Starter Pack buy
9mos package 2640 Core NHL® Breakaway XL Starter Pack buy
9mos package 1493 Core NHL® Breakaway XL Starter Pack buy
9mos package 523 Core NHL® Breakaway XL Starter Pack buy
9mos package 281 Core NHL® Breakaway XL Starter Pack buy
9mos package 165 Core NHL® Breakaway XL Starter Pack buy
9mos package 1389 Core NHL® Breakaway XL Starter Pack buy
9mos package 1005 Core NHL® Breakaway XL Starter Pack buy
9mos package 54 Core NHL® Breakaway XL Starter Pack buy
9mos package 142 Core NHL® Breakaway XL Starter Pack buy